This week has been the best week of the transfer for sure. We got some legit work done, found new people and some crazy stuff as well. To start off, on Tuesday, we found the coolest guy ever, his name is name is Amareldo and he was a reference we got. He speaks English, is so chill, already have been taught by the missionaries twice down in Namibe. The only reason he wasn't baptized was because he moved. But seriously, I love him so much. He is so cool, he pretty much passed the baptismal interview that we gave to see where he was at knowledge wise. Pretty much if he comes to church these next two Sundays, he will be baptized mid May. He is so legit, loves Kid Cudi, tells his sister that Kid Cudi will be her future husband haha. We're pretty much going to be homies for the rest of my life no doubt. Also he looks a lot like Usher, kind of a little scary actually. But he was for sure the upside to the week.
Another investigator, Adi, 15 years old, not sure if I've talked about him yet or not. But he will baptized this coming month as well, so cool. Also found this other person, we were sitting teaching this investiagtor, and a Chinese woman comes up and starts asking about us to the investiagator. He has some Chinese workers living there. Anyways, I thought that she was just like any other Chinese, who knew a couple of words in Portuguese and that's it. She goes and gets her bible, that's a side by side with Madarin and English, turns out she speaks English as well. Not the best, but enough to communicate. So we are going to start and try to teach her. And LR2's Senior Primary Book of Mormon is going to go to her, because she says she can read English. So you should be getting pictures of that next week haha, so we shall see.
Me and Elder Tingey saw some weird stuff this week, I just can't remember them, they are written in my journal though. There was this fight in this neighborhood against some Moças that went pretty crazy with kids running everywhere to see it. It was like right in our way of where we needed to go so we had to wait a little bit to let it calm down, it got intense. Other things, can't remember. Watched General Conference this weekend, GC in Portuguese is hard, so hard. Only two more to go. Went on a division with Elder Walker to Futungo on Saturday. Walked Bue this week. Walked with Engracia for a day. Yeah just a super solid week. Yeah we are in walking distance of the Thompson's. Elder Tingey and Elder Chandler sat with the dad of that family on Saturday while we were on divisions so we shall how they turn out.
We get fed like at least one meal a week on Sundays, and an occasional 2nd. Pretty much just cooking for ourselves, sometimes we team up, other times no. Pretty much just ate rice and beans and such for the week. Laura's videos worked but only on Elder Tingeys camera because his is a canon. Mothers Day, I don't know anything about it yet, probably do it at president's, I will have the details next week.
Ridgely looks like she is finishing strong, Keller finishing up Freshman year, and Kaden prepping for the big 8th grade. Crazy. Well 11 months down, 13 to go. Crazy. Africa is crazy, I can't believe I've been here for this long already. Everything is just normal now. It's weird because everything is just normal to me but it's Africa it's hard to explain. Well everyone have a good week. Love you all!
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