This week was pretty busy with just everything. Well for starters we had to help the new guys move in, set up beds, set up their bedroom, etc. That was a pretty hectic day but we got through it. So the new elder from the MTC is Elder Chatwin from Mesa Arizona. He's pretty cool, haha just he is in that adjustment period of being here in Angola with a foreign language and all. But he will get into it before you know it. Since me and McAllister and Richter are in a tripla, Elder Richter helped out the other two get to know Viana, and their area, and some investigators that they inherited. And me and Elder McAllister walked in both of our areas that we have to cover, Viana A and B. And that's what's going to be difficult with this transfer, is that our real area really needs to be built up and we need to do a lot of finding, but we won't have the time that much to do it because we will also have to be teaching the investigators in my old area and helping make sure that they are progressing as well. So it's going to be a topsy turvy kind of transfer but we will get through it, like always. Anyways we had some really good lessons and I really like walking with Elder McAllister as well haha.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Benham for the 50 dollars, I think I'm going to buy this sick Angola flag watch with that money, haha I really want it. We had a good P Day today, haha I love all the Elders here, friendships will carry over after this is all said and done. Yeah Gildo is super sick, but that Sara girl I have no clue who that is.
Yeah so for the Christmas thing, don't know exact details yet because if Elder Richter's real companion gets here, it will be them two going and not me and McAllister. But it will most likely be us. So when it gets closer to the day, we will set up the time and all that. Yeah everything is decorated for Christmas here, or as much as they can do. Yeah they don't have Christmas trees really, some people do but not all.
Sounds like your concert week went so freaking good. Haha I'm jealous. This past week my testimony of Joseph Smith grew so much from reading his teachings of the president book. He was such an inspired man and a man of god, and I gained an even greater perspective and greater appreciation of his calling that he had all the way from the pre mortal world. Wow, I can't wait to meet him someday, and I will defend him and testify of him till the day that I die.
Sounds like sports are winding down a bit. It's crazy that Christmas is in two weeks. Time is flying by. Before you know it I will be stepping off a plane home to a regular life. Life is crazy. I've seen some crazy stuff out here I would never have seen in my life. And I'm having experiences like no other out here. Sometimes it doesn't really hit me that I'm in Africa teaching the gospel and all that, I've just grown so accustomed to it that it seems like normal life. It's weird. Especially since my Portuguese is a lot better and I'm still learning and growing with it. Well I love you all and am so grateful for all of you and all the support you give me! Love you all!
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