Oi! Family and Friends,
This week went surprisingly fast for the last week of the transfer. Well we did find out about transfers and I am staying in Viana but with a new companion named Elder Richter, so we will see how that turns out in the coming weeks, so the only change in our house is that Elder Tolman is leaving to become a new zone leader for one of the zones. So yeah thats what's happening with me and transfers. And I am excited for this transfer because its set up to be a really good successful transfer for us, so we shall see.
So the packages I got were my Halloween one, and I got the black box one that was sent from Aug. 27th. and I got Aunt Val and Uncle David's letter, and Laura´s letter as well. Thanks so much, Its so nice to get American food and packages sometimes, it really is a blessing haha. Also Happy Early Birthday Dad! Hope it's a good one, and the family treats you well.
Well anyways this week went by pretty well, we didn't have as many lessons as usual because we have been trying to get this list down of contacts, but it was still good. We have 5 baptismal dates at the moment with Paulinho on the 17th, Yanne and Carlos and Luis on the 1st of Dec. and little Luisa on the 15th of December, so we have been pretty much just helping them progress to their goals of baptism, while trying to pick up new and legit people.
I can also add another unique food to my list that I have eaten here. We had rice and beans and cow stomach a couple nights ago with Irma Ana. I wish I had my camera with me, but the cow stomach looked like seafood or something, and it really wasn't that bad at all.
Speaking of Irma Ana, she is such the nicest lady, she is practically a member but can't get baptized yet because she isn't married yet offically with her husband which is sad. But its kind of scary because Irma Ana reminds me of what Katelyn Conners is going to be like when she is Irma Ana´s age. Like its scary, all the way down to how they both laugh. And because of this I hope Katelyn will one day accept the gospel and turn out like Irma Ana because Ana is so happy with her life and kids.
Anyways these last couple of days have been slow because no one could sit with us or the appointments fell through so what are you going to do. We watched General Conference in Portuguese yesterday, I didn't understand much though. It was cool to see our investigators come and hear the Prophet though.
Hmmm, I can't think of anything too crazy that happened this week. I really like beans and rice now, that's what we eat alot at peoples houses and that's what we make sometimes in our house. I also eat and make a lot of Tuna Hamburgers, omelettes, eggs, chicken, etc. The juice here and the bread here in Angola is the best ever. I'm never gonna find better back home. Right now I have peach and pear juice in my fridge which are so good and thick, it's like you are drinking that fruit.
Good Luck to Ridgely on applying to BYU, I hope she gets in. And I hope Keller is still sticking with the school work. Kaden seems to be having a good time with all his responsibilities and activites in his life so that's cool. Well I am just gonna keep trucking along, every week is another week closer and a week lost to time. I only got so much here. Hope everyone is doing good back home and thanks for all your support as well. All of you better be grateful for the simple things of life back home, because I have seen and experienced things that have and will change my life, and would change all of your guys persepectives on life, and how living in Africa really is. Love you All!
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