Oi Family and Friends!,
So the first week of this transfer is already in the books. These last two weeks for me and Elder Mcallister have been SUPER tough, but there starting to come around. It's been tough because our investigators that we did have just weren't solid, or they can't do anything until their married. It's frustrating. And all the contacts we get or references we get, we call them, and either their phone is off or they don't pick up their phone. Even with our investigators, some days we just don't have appointments because we can't get a hold of anyone. But it's starting to come around.
We got these two new investigators named Emmanuel and his brother Patricio. We sat with them once, had a bomb lesson, and challenged them to baptism. They accepted and their baptims are planned for the 23rd of Feb! So that should be super cool. We also have this 17 year old kid named Wagner who is legitly reading the Book of Mormon, so I just know that he will get a testimony and be baptized also on the 23rd of Feb.
This past week, not to brag or anything, but my lunch was the best of the week. It was this kind of oriental, thai fish dish on rice that was super good. I'm just trying to try all sorts of different things with cooking so I can cook whatever sort of thing. I am learning to really enjoy cooking, even though it takes a while to do. Just pop on some music and just work and cook, haha its one of my favorite times.
That stinks with BYU BB, gosh thats a heartbreaker. Good thing I didn't watch that one, hopefully we upset Gonzaga, haha I will be praying for that. And all that other crazy sports stuff is crazy.
Anyways another exciting thing this week is I got 2 packages:) My Thanksgiving package, and my New Years Package! They were sooooo delightful. Especially the Dr. Pepper. I miss Dr. Pepper sooooooooooooo much! I literally died when I first sipped it haha. And I have already ate alot of my package stuff as well. But that was super good, and thank you Family:)
That stinks that you have been sick mom, hope no one else gets sick. And the Stake Conference sounds cool. Elder Cook of the 70 is coming at the beginning of Feb for us. Ummm, I can't remember much else. Oh yeah Dad if you could keep me updated on the Tables and such for the African Cup that would be most appreciated:) Well I have learned so much about the Gospel out here, its quite amazing. I can't wait to share with everyone once I get home! Anyways that's all for this week! I love you all and love all the support you give me while I'm out here!
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