Oi Family and Friends!
This week we walked bwe. Che(???-not sure if that was a typo or a language thing), it was tiring, just trying to find people to teach, whether it be just talking to people on the street or knocking doors. We had some success, not like mind blowing or anything. But I've realized, not in like a couple of days or a week we will get an amazing area, but only after little bit after little bit, until at the end of this transfer we will have a solid area. So patience and work, all that's going to get this area going. But yeah.
Not that many pics from this week just because we have been finding. And no really crazy stories happened this week. We got this new guy Mendes, who could be pretty solid, we will see, as well as this other guy named Alvaro, who we met and taught Saturday and he came the next day to church so we shall see. We really don't have any super solid investigators unfortunately, but hopefully we will. We met and sat with this millionaire here, who is just rolling in it. Has a huge house, trampoline and pool, drives a Ford Raptor, he is just rolling in it, so maybe we can get his family.
But really, I guess here a couple of things that happened to us walking around. Saw a monkey chained to a tree, didn't have my camera though. Saw the fattest pig I will ever see in my life. A crazy guy kind of followed us for a little bit and he really didn't speak any language. Ummmm, yeahhhh. On Friday I went on a division with Elder Mariquele, he is a funny guy. Natives man, they are something else, but he is super cool. I was on a division with him because I had to give a baptismal interview since I'm the District Leader, interesting experience.
Anyways our house rocks. Love our house, super fun and chill guys. Oh yeah saying goodbye to the Thompson's, yeah that was really hard, it was super sad to see them go, I love them so much. But the mission just keeps evolving. Before you know it the Merrill's will be here, and we can really get this show on the road.
Weird, everyone has been talking about this last month or two, your halfway done, but now it really is true. Whatever, just keep on going. Sad that Granddaddy Charlie died. Even though I really didn't know him, he is in a better place. I hope the Arrested Development are good, I'm dying for those. The summer is here, just got to get through the summer, and boom I'm back next summer, what up! Well that's about it for this week. I've really grown a lot closer to my Savior this week, this has been a life changing experience for me. Love you all!
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