This week has been pretty good. Tuesday we had a great day. We first sat with Josue in the morning and we finally set goals for him to start getting his marriage papers together. We were so glad and excited for him that he has started to get them together. Then we sat with Fernando or Bebucho where we wanted to talk to him about missions and what his plans were this coming year. Turns out he already has everything done, all the interviews and everything just missing a couple of documents. So that was super cool for us. Then we taught Eric, another recent convert where I think it was really good that we were able to sit with him.
Also that entire day, it was raining pretty hard. Haha, me and Elder McAllister had fun with it. Even though we had water up past our ankles in some parts and in other parts jumping from unsteady rock to the next, haha it was fun. Thursday, Valentines Day, was good as well we got this new investigator Francisco, who is one of Josue´s friends, who could turn out to be pretty solid. Then alot of our stuff fell through, but we did get to walk in this one part we have never walked in, like an industrial ghost town, so that was cool.
Friday, I went on a Division with Elder Pimental in my old area which was kind of weird to do. He is so cool though, I love him. We had a really good day with good lessons and just good talking. Oh, before the division we sat with Josue and Sena together to talk about marriage again, and it went really good. We also found out that at Sena´s house they have a pet monkey, so expect pics and videos of that haha. The weekend was good, went to some baptisms in our branch and they were super cool. Church was good yesterday too, 104 people. Had a missionary work workshop\fireside which was good.
Got my Easter and birthday package as well. Bad news though President Thompson is going to outlaw packages pretty soon. So thanks mom for all the packages you have sent me, but you don't need to keep wasting money to send me food and such. I know you still love me;) If you really wanted to you could put money on my personal card so I can buy the good expensive stuff out here haha. The water thing, yeah we use bottle water, and clothes, you just try your best to get by.
Yeah Sister Freeman had one of the Elders tell me about the whole thing so I was able to be prepared with the camera card. The BYU hires sounds good for the program, and I will be praying for a miracle that BYU wins the WCC Tourny. Happy Birthday to my Little Brother Kaden on the 21st! Getting so big;)
So transfers are next week so we will see what happens, I'm like 95% sure Im going to be leaving Viana, which will be good and bad, for numerous reasons. But change is good. Random story. We were standing in Vila, and this kid is trying to sell me these plastic glasses for like 50 bucks, calling them original. I took them and put them on him saying they looked a lot better on him than me, and they freaked out laughing when we told them we were missionaries haha, funny people out here. Well that's all I can think of right now, Love you all! Have a good week!!!
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