Oi! Family and Friends,
This week was really good. We didn't have much days to teach because of the mission and district conference we had this past week. The mission conference was on Friday, where all the missionaries here in Angola got to attend, the first time that has ever happened. That conference was super good. Elder Cook and Sister Cook are seriously some of the nicest people on the earth. I could feel their sincere love for us as they were here teaching and instructing. He really made an impact on me and I'm sure this whole mission, on how we can truly expand the work and make it explode here. They were so cool. And so inspired, each meeting they gave a training to the members or us, it was exactly what was needed to be said to have us raise to another level.
The Sunday General Session was super full, I didn't even get to hear most of it. We were at the 5 star hotel in their largest meeting room, and we still had 50-75 people standing for the whole meeting, crazy. But yeah, District Conference and Mission Conference was super amazing and good.
Also good news, after like 11 days, we finally got water again, which lightened the suffering alot haha. It's so annoying without water or energy. Also to make matters worse I was sick again:( Sore throat and a stuffed up runny nose that was so annoying, but it's passing.
Today on our way home from soccer in a taxi, we came to this T intersection driving on the straight away part. 8 motos pull onto the main road, and park making a roadblock, as the cars for this funeral passed by. Our cobrador was getting mad and fala a toa a little bit. One of the moto drivers came over and was super mad, saying our cobrador was disrespectul, yada yada yada. Then the guy takes a swing at our cobrador, who is the car with the window opened. He misses and we try to pull away fast, he runs with our taxi and takes another swing and hits our cobrador. Our cobrador swings and hits him back, and was trying to get out of there as fast as he could, the guy on the side of the road, picks up something, and throws it at the taxi, hitting the back side window, luckily it was closed or the guys in the back would have gotten hurt. Then all the motos and the cars for the funeral are just all around us yelling at us, pointing at us, etc. Luckily we escaped haha, it was freaky and exciting haha.
Yeah I found Sis. Freeman, gave her my camera card, an 8 GB, just has everything from my 1st camera card. Yeah I could use 8GB cards, as well I would like an 8GB card loaded with pics and videos from the fam, and from Laura if you can talk to her about it, and just anything so I have something recent to get updated on the goings on haha.
So this last week I got the Valentines and the St. Patricks Day packages, as well as Grandma Brown´s valentines card. I also got, which is pretty funny, my first box that you sent me on July 31st. Haha what a shock that was to get that over 6 months later. Haha crazy. I did send a letter home to you guys with a 4GB memory card but since you won't really need that now, the letter is a waste haha. Yeah and I wont have the opportunity to extend, unless something changes up to affect the transfer schedule, so yeah I will be home at the end of May next year.
Stinks that sports are stinking it up, but hopefully next season will be better. Crazy that a year ago we were all in Orlando for our last family vacation together. Haha I can remember alot of the details that happened then:) Well that's about it for this week. Internet has been slow recently so I can't upload pics, so sorry. I love all of you and can't wait to see everyone again:) Have a great week, and share the gospel!
Elder Brown and Karati at the Conference |
Elder Brown with Elder and Sister Cook Thanks Sister Thompson for the picture! |
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