This week was a little slow but good as you can get out here in Africa. So on Monday for family night we went to this members house with the President of the branch´s family. Let's just say its kind of a mistake when we try to do anything with them because it turns into a 2 hour testimony meeting. We didn't get home that night until 11 at night, it was exhausting. At least we got fed, but we tried to eat fast to try and get home as soon as possible. Well on our way out, the big German Shepard guard dog bit the President's wife and drew blood, so then we had to wait while she was getting checked on.
Overall exhausting night, and it turned out that the beans that we had for dinner made people sick if you ate them, luckily I followed the spirit on that one;) and didn't eat any of them haha. Elder Sande and Elder McAllister ate them so they were sick the whole rest of the day the next day. Then Elder Richter got sick from something else, and was out pretty much the whole day for Halloween. So I was the only one who didn't get sick this past week like a boss haha.
Halloween since we were in the house pretty much all day was nothing special, just another day in the mission, but today President and Sister Thompson gave us all packs of American candy so that was delicious. I scraped up the same knee today during soccer and drew more blood than last week but oh well, it will heal.
This last week our solid guy Paulinho has had bad things happen to him. His cousin just recently died, his phone got stolen, and he had to break up with his girlfriend. Yet it just rolls off this kid, I am so proud of him, and with all these things coming at him, it means that he is going to be a freakin good missionary and member in the future.
I love the people here, especially the members in out branch. The Smedos always feed us after church, and Amandio and his wife also feed us. Yesterday we cooked sweet rice with them which tasted kind of like rice krispies treats. I also love this one guy named Mwanza who is trying so hard to have his whole family be members, he really has this true desire within him.
Also on Sunday after church this guy drove past and we talked with him. Turned out he was baptized in Spain and has been inactive because he didn't know the church was here. The last thing he said was he wanted to go to the temple, and I'm going to try my hardest to have him reach that goal.
Things with Elder Richter are going really good. He has taught me things that are going to help me in the future. He said he was like me before the mission just kind of shy and such, so we can relate on alot of stuff, and we talk about each others past lives and it's just really great to have him as a companion. I also love Elder McAllister, were like best friends now. He promised he would come to my homecoming when I get back. He is so funny and I love to have him in the house. His only downfall is he loves country music and sings it...annoyingly. But oh well nobody is perfect;)
November seems like its going to go by fast, and this transfer will go by fast too. Soon before you know it I will be skyping with my family on Christmas. Oh yeah also I had mango and papaya for the first time, they were different that's for sure.
Well that's about it. Also for Christmas if it is possible mail a Dr. Pepper, and also printed pics of random stuff from the family so I can put it in my album. Love you all and your support!
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