Oi Family and Friends!
This week was kind of slow work wise. Our area is pretty much starting over from scratch. We had two baptisms this past Saturday with Dadinho and Mano, kids of a family who has an older brother who is a member. So that was pretty cool. And then I got to go to the other baptisms and see Deucalino, Ju and Maria get baptized. So this past Saturday I had 5 baptisms which was way awesome to see. Way spiritual.
Also this week was General Conference in Portuguese. Haha not my favorite, because Portuguese kind of ruins the talks, but it was good. I already downloaded most of the talks on a pen drive, as well as we're borrowing the discs to watch in English. There were tons of way good talks, haha love General Conference.
So pretty much the only thing worth writing about this week was my division with Elder Yeanoplos. So while we were walking in this busy paragem, I felt a bump on my backpack, so I turn it around and two of my zippers are open. I check all the pockets, and they didn't have anything. But they did take one thing, a pocket dictionary, which was actually Elder Garcias that I was going to give back to him. So now officially I have gotten "robbed" here on my mission, haha so I should be good for these last 4 weeks.
Also I had to go give this baptismal interview to the wife of a member. He said we shouldn't come because there was too much water, but we said it would be fine. Well it's a bit of an obstacle course the first part but then we get to a part where literally you couldn't go any further unless you went through the nasty black water, with who knows what's in it. Haha he wasn't kidding. So I made the decision, and I really wasn't thinking that much, that we would take our shoes and socks off, roll up our pants and walk through the water to his house. I wasn't really thinking of the possibility of getting infectious bacteria or viruses, or stepping on glass or who knows what. But we walked for a good 5, 10 minutes through the neighborhood in the water until we got to his house, and then when it was over, walked back through it. Very cool memory, thinking back on it, really gross too.
But yeah I'm loving it. I'm loving Elder Marqueza, haha he talks alot, and we mess with each other tons. He is one of my best companions I've had. Way funny. I'm going to try and get more videos of him these last 4 weeks. But life is good. Just got to keep my head down and keep going, stay close to the spirit and build my testimony. So weird that Andrew is going home today. Ai! Glad the family had a good trip to Utah and got to see everyone, can't wait to see everyone as well. Well I love you all, have a good week!