Oi Family and Friends!
Glad that everyone is doing well, and everyone had a good week. Well I wish I could tell you guys that we had the most spectacular week ever, haha but then I would be lying. Not to be like a pessmist or anything but this week was hard, this whole transfer has been hard, its been the hardest transfer of my entire mission. It seems like all I've been writing about lately is how bad everything is going. But not everything is bad.
We're having some good lessons. We found this new youth named Celso that seems really cool. He was the first door we knocked in the building and he let us come in. And the spirit was there when we were talking with him and I'm excited to go back to him and teach him the Restoration. We have had tons of people cancelling on us the past couple of weeks. Our area is just very hard with how it's set up, but we have faith that it will continue to get better little by little.
We also had a miracle of finding Rosa again this week, our cool investigator who was supposed to get baptized on the 1st of Febuary. We were around her house and we decided we would go and knock on her door to see if anyone else knew what happened to her. So we knocked and she was there. So probably next month she will get baptized.
Probably the coolest thing this week was District Conference. I got to see alot of people from Viana and Benfica which was way cool, and I got tons of pics. Saturday the Area Seventy talked about hastening the work of salvation and we watched that video that I remember Mom telling me about with the kid and his birthday and inviting his friend to his baptism, with their whole family doing missionary work. It was a really cool video. But overall the Conference was really good and cool. Good little spiritual boost.
But overall life is good. I'm really trying and focusing on developing Christlike attributes as of late. Becoming like Christ is way difficult if we just try and do it by ourselves. But if we have the help of our Heavenly Father, we can slowly dvelop those attributes to become better people and eventually be perfected in Christ. I am very weak, I am far from perfect. But I have the hope and the faith that each day I will be better, through the gospel, through faith, repentence, and covenants, I will become a better person and who I am meant to be.
100 Days. Doesn't seem that much. Still got a lot to do, but I know it's coming to an end. I love you all. I pray for all of you. Also a shout out to the cassule da familia Kaden haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Your the best, keep doing what is right. Everyone know that we are in the hands of God always. He knows us inside and out and he knows exactly what is going on with us always. He is always there for us. I've trusted in that promise many times on my mission, especially recently. Love you all and have a great week!
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