Oi! Family and Friends!
So this past week, has been pretty ordinary compared to the last week. We had a joint zone conference on Thursday, that was super good. And Sister Reedy fed us these baked potatoes and chili which was the super bomb. Haha and yeah Sister Reedy told me about emailing you mom. But that was really cool to get together with everyone, and the training was super good.
This coming weekend, on Friday we have another zone conference with Elder Cook, then on Saturday and Sunday we have a district conference with Elder Cook. So this weekend should be super good and uplifting and spiritual. I am really looking forword to it.
So last last Sunday was the year mark since I opened my mission call.... Crazy huh? It's weird that it's already Feburary and before you know it May again. I also hit 8 months out here and 6 months here in Angola. All in Viana haha, but it's super good, I love it.
We have this really cool couple named Josue and Sena who I love. They are so perfect and I want them to see the temple blessing so much. They just had a baby who is just 2 months old, and it makes me look forward to becoming a dad as well:) They just need to get married, and we are really going to be pushing them to get married as soon as possible so they can partake in the blessings of this gospel, but I really truly love them.
On Saturday I bought my first soccer jersey, a Barcelona Jersey that is so sick haha. But overally that's about all the news I have coming out of Angola. Some people were saying to me that there is some trouble in Northern Africa, what is it about? Anyways our $5 is equal to 500 kwanzas. Yeah mail, its terribly inconsistent but we just have to pray. Always just send stuff express so it has the best chance of getting to me. And I think personally I have a very high chance of going to Huambo or Lubango this transfer but who knows.
Your Cougarboard stuff was cool dad, thanks for showing that to me:) I'm glad Ridgely had a good Winter Formal, and everyone overall is just doing good. Just hope Cougar Sports keep keeping up, football looks like a good season next year, and hopefully Bball pulls itself together down the stretch.
Oh yeah, and Elder McAllister is going to extend his mission rather than diminsh, which I am so proud of him because it was hard decision, because he could have been home for Christmas if he diminished, I love him so much. Overall, I'm in good health thankfully, Im doing good, and haha it just keeps on going. I love you all and thanks for all the support you give me. Have an awesome week, and live the gospel everyday!
Elder Brown and Elder Ndala |
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